Sunday, July 12, 2009

i ni ce

We're only on day two here in Mali, but it feels like we've been here two weeks! I am at the training center with 65 other new volunteers, and we all leave for our homestay families on Wednesday. Our next 8 weeks or so will be with our homestay families, where we will be having intensive language classes and technical training.

I found out today that I will be learning Bambara, and probably not too much French. I would like to learn more French while I am here, but may not get any specific training in it...which is too bad. But, Bambara will be much more important for my job, so that's all good.

Here's what I've learned over the last few days: Mali means hippopotamus, Bamako means home of the crocodiles, Mali is the third poorest country in the world, sawdust can be used against sore throats, frogs can steal your soul, washing your hands with soap can wash away your fortune, I might be working in the Kayes region, I've gotten better at using the pit toilet, all of the other volunteers and our trainers seem like really great people.

I apologize for this quickly written entry, I am trying to respond to lots of emails before I leave email for the next week and a half or so.


  1. Love it! I feel like sawdust would CAUSE a sore throat, but I'll have to try it.

  2. Hey! Wikipedia knows about the "Kayes Region"! I continue to get educated by the Internet. Sounds like you have been extremely busy! I guess Rolf was right about those crocodiles, eh?

  3. Hmmm...

    Jill is using Wikipedia more and more...I remember some dinner time discussions. She knows more about the Kayes Region then I do!

    I will have to think carefully about the fact that you will be spending the next couple years in a hippopotamus and possibly close to the pressure cooker of Africa.

    Are you going to put the picture of your little soul thief from Ecuador on your wall now?

    Later & Love,

